Benefits of Physical Therapy for Chronic Neck Pain

Chronic Neck Pain

Neck pain is one of the most common problems that people suffer from. It can either be caused by a traumatic injury (whiplash associated disorder-WAD) or non-traumatic onset such as in office workers [1].

Fortunately, La Clinica offers a secure and efficient remedy for neck discomfort through physical therapy, diminishing the necessity for surgical intervention. Here are some benefits of physical therapy for chronic neck pain:

1. Reduces Pain and Stiffness

Neck pain is caused by many things, including muscle strain or whiplash, and conditions such as spinal stenosis or degenerative disc disease. Physiotherapy reduces discomfort by improving the movement of the vertebrae in the neck, increasing strength, and improving the flexibility of muscles that support the neck and spine.

The therapist will instruct you to perform exercises and stretches that improve neck movement. If an exercise is uncomfortable or increases your neck pain, stop doing it and ask the therapist for a different exercise.

In addition to physical therapy, the therapist may also recommend heat or cold, massage, or electrical stimulation using a TENS device that sends low-voltage pulses to the neck tissues to reduce pain and stiffness. These devices interrupt nerve signals to the brain that are responsible for generating pain.

2. Improves Posture

Neck pain is often caused by poor posture, and a physical therapist can teach you how to improve your neck position. You can use the techniques at home or before work to reduce pain and stiffness and speed recovery. In addition, the therapy may reduce or eliminate the need for neck surgery.

Your physical therapist will perform an evaluation of your neck pain and the strength of your muscles. They will ask questions about when your pain started, what kind of pain you have, and where it hurts. They will also examine whether your symptoms are caused by irritated nerves in the neck, arms, shoulders, or hands.

The physical therapist may perform passive treatments such as applying ice packs, heat therapy, massage therapy, ultrasound, and electrotherapy.

3. Reduces the Risk of Recurring Pain

Neck pain can be a result of a neck injury or a condition like osteoarthritis. If left untreated, these conditions can lead to a chronic neck problem that results in recurrent pain and stiffness. Physical therapy helps relieve the pain and improve neck function.

Physiotherapy may involve passive treatments such as cold or heat application, massage, traction, electrical stimulation, and ultrasound. It also involves active therapies that require you to move your neck through exercises and stretches to improve strength, stability, and posture.

These exercises and stretches can include neck stretches and strengthening exercises, such as a chin tuck. Strengthening muscles that support the cervical spine can help improve neck function and reduce neck pain. Increasing the endurance of neck muscles also increases resistance to future neck problems.

4. Reduces the Risk of Surgery

A physical therapist’s first priority is to ease pain and stiffness. He or she may use treatments, such as hot or cold therapy, massage, electrical stimulation, and ultrasound to relieve stiffness and increase the neck’s range of motion. The therapist may also teach you exercises to improve neck strength and posture, which will reduce future discomfort.

Most of the time, physical therapy can ease neck pain and stiffness and can help patients avoid surgery. However, in some cases—for example, if a patient has severe radiculopathy (pain that travels down the arm or hand)—surgery may be necessary.

In these cases, physical therapy can still reduce pain and improve posture, but will not completely prevent radiculopathy. This may require further treatment, such as a spinal cord stimulator.

5. Reduces the Cost of Surgery

Many individuals who have neck pain are able to avoid surgery, even severe radiculopathy (pain that travels from the spine into the arms or hands). Those with a diagnosis of chronic neck pain can use their health plan benefit to see a physical therapist first.

Most physiotherapy treatments for neck pain begin with applying ice or heat, massage therapy, electrical stimulation, and ultrasound to reduce stiffness and improve circulation. Cervical traction and cervical flexion stretch the spine, decrease compression of injured discs, and increase range of motion.

Over time, a physical therapist will teach patients to stretch and strengthen the neck muscles that support movement, improving neck posture and function for daily activities. This helps them prevent future discomfort, and reduce or eliminate pain medications that have side effects.

Neck pain is one of the most common problems that people suffer from. It can either be caused by a traumatic injury (whiplash associated disorder-WAD) or non-traumatic onset such as in office workers [1]. Fortunately, La Clinica offers a secure and efficient remedy for neck discomfort through physical therapy, diminishing the necessity for surgical intervention.…

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