Month: December 2023

5 Benefits of Physical Therapy for Back Pain

Back pain can be caused by many things. Physical therapy can help treat the pain and prevent it from returning.

PT treatment here may include manual therapy (spinal manipulation), massage, ice and heat treatments and electrical stimulation to reduce inflammation. Exercises are also recommended to strengthen muscles and improve flexibility.

1. Reduced Pain

Back pain can range from a mild, dull ache to a sharp, burning sensation. It can affect the muscles, spinal ligaments, and tendons that support and move your back. One wrong lift or sudden movement can strain these structures and lead to pain.

Physical therapy reduces pain by decreasing muscle spasms, improving the strength of the supporting structures of your spine and increasing flexibility. A therapist can also teach you how to sit, stand and move correctly to decrease your risk of future injuries.

Before starting your physical therapy your doctor will perform a medical exam and may recommend X-rays or an MRI to determine the cause of your pain. Your therapist can then provide treatment that will help you recover more quickly and improve your quality of life.

2. Improved Mobility

In addition to pain reduction, physical therapists help you increase the range of motion in your back and neck. Exercises, manual therapy techniques and ice/heat applications will all help you move more freely, with less …

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